

  • 10
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:外资企业
  • 公司地址: 广东省 深圳市 宝安区 沙井街道 万丰社区 沙井街道万丰万安路37号金山工业园
  • 姓名: 陈芳
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定

    美孚合成冷冻机油 佳高155

  • 所属行业:能源 润滑油 工业润滑油
  • 发布日期:2020-02-12
  • 阅读量:130
  • 价格:8.00 元/桶 起
  • 产品规格:18L-208L
  • 产品数量:5260.00 桶
  • 包装说明:
  • 发货地址:广东深圳宝安区沙井街道万丰社区  
  • 关键词:美孚合成冷冻机油,美孚佳高155,佳高155合成冷冻机油,佳高155,合成冷冻机油,美孚佳高155合成冷冻机油

    美孚合成冷冻机油 佳高155详细内容

    Gargoyle? Arctic Oil 155, 300, and Gargoyle Arctic C Heavy

    Refrigeration Oils

    Product DeSCRJPTion

    Gargoyle? Arctic Oil 155, 300, and Gargoyle? Arctic C Heavy products are high performance naphthenic mineral oils primarily intended for use in refrigeration compressors. They have low pour points and excellent fluidity at very low temperatures by virtue of being almost wax-free. Consequently, use of these Gargoyle Arctic oils helps to ensure that evaporator tubes are kept clean to improve heat transfer and to reduce downtime for maintenance. They have good chemical stability and are suitable both for cylinder and bearing lubrication.

    Gargoyle Arctic Oil 155, 300, and Gargoyle Arctic C Heavy are compatible with most refrigerants except sulphur dioxide. They are not recommended for use with HFC refrigerants. The moisture content of Gargoyle Arctic Oil 155, 300, and Gargoyle Arctic C Heavy oils is very low when the oils are packaged. Every precaution should be taken to keep the oils dry to avoid the formation of ice in expansion valves, and to limit the risks of oil degradation, copper plating, etc.

    Features and Benefits

    The Gargoyle Arctic brand of refrigeration oils enjoy a world-wide reputation for good performance based on their use in a wide variety of refrigeration applications over the past several decades. Gargoyle Arctic Oil 155, 300, and Gargoyle Arctic C Heavy were the pioneers of this brand and are specially manufactured to provide the specific properties required for refrigeration equipment. Not least among these are low pour point. offer the following features Gargoyle Arctic Oil 155, 300, and Gargoyle Arctic C Heavy and potential benefits:

    Low wax content Excellent low temperature flow and evaporator heat transfer for optimum system efficiency
    Good chemical stability Long service life resulting in less downtime and lower maintenance costs
    Multi-purpose lubricants Suitability for the lubrication of both cylinders and bearings reduces oil inventories



    The Gargoyle Arctic Oil 155, 300, and Gargoyle Arctic C Heavy products are recommended for cylinder and bearing lubrication in most conventional refrigeration compressors and for other machinery operating at sub-zero temperatures. Typical applications include:

    • Large industrial reciprocating and rotary refrigeration compressors.
    • Industrial applications such as food freezing and cold storage plants
    • Marine refrigeration applications
    • Used primarily with ammonia refrigerant, but also used with selected halocarbons

    Typical Properties

    ISO Viscosity Grade 32 46 68
    Viscosity, ASTM D 445, cSt @ 40o C 32.0 46.0 68.0
    Pour Point, oC, ASTM D 97 -42 -42 -42
    Flash Point, oC, ASTM D 92 190 195 200
    Specific Gravity @15o C/15o C, ASTM D 1298 0.91 0.91 0.91
    Total Acid Number, ASTM D 974, mg KOH/g 0.01 0.01 0.01
    Flocculation Point, R 12, DIN 51351, oC -36 -36 -31

    欢迎来到深圳市宏安达润滑油有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省深圳市宝安区沙井街道万丰万安路37号金山工业园,老板是曹先生。 主要经营深圳市富隆润滑油有限公司是一家长期从事工业润滑油专业性销售的润滑油有限公司,目前负责工业润滑油在全国范围的推广和销售 主要经营壳牌(shell)、美孚( Mobil)、埃索(Esso)、加德士(CALTEX)、嘉实多(Castrol)、BP、道达尔(TOTAL)、克鲁勃(KLUBER)等国际**品牌的润滑油,销售的油品广泛应用于制造、机械、冶金、采矿、钢铁、工程、农业、电梯、船舶等,。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。 本公司供应美孚润滑油,壳牌润滑油,嘉实多润滑油,我们有大型的仓库和场地,我们还有专业的技术人员,我们公司保证供应给你质量优良的产品!